How to Prepare for Your Wedding Day; Our Top 10 Tips.

There can be a lot of pressure on your wedding day. Pressure to look perfect, make sure everything runs smoothly, and goes according to plan. While your wedding planner is taking care of all the details, there are still some little but very important things for YOU to do, to help prepare you for your big day.

We first want to start off by saying, STOP! Take a moment to breathe and really just enjoy the process. The day will be amazing and you don’t want to look back on this day and remember how stressed out you felt.

Before the Wedding

Spray Tans: If you are planning on getting a spray tan for the big day PLEASE make sure you test out places well in advanced and not the week of. Give yourself time to find a place and formula, that will give you the look you desire. The last thing you would want is to try a new place the week of your wedding, for something to go wrong and you end up orange!

New Skincare Routine: We would advise not switching up your skincare routine weeks before the wedding. Even a few months could be risky. Testing out new products, you don’t know how your skin will react. Your skin does naturally goes through a detox phase when using new products which can lead to breakouts. Between that and the risk of an allergic reaction, you don’t want to run the risk of either for your wedding day photos!

Photo: Purple Tree

Healthy Hands and Feet: Leading up to the wedding day, treat yourself to manicures and pedicures. It’s a given that your hands will be visible in photos. With exchanging rings, holding a bouquet, hugging guests, or holding a bottle of champagne, you’ll want to make sure those hands are photo-ready. Depending on your shoe type, and length of your dress, skirt or pants, your toes and or feet may end up in photos as well. So moisturizer often, and exfoliate!

New Hairdo: Please do not cut, style or colour your hair too close to your wedding! Simply put, if you HATE the way it looks but you’re too close to the big day you aren’t leaving yourself enough time for it to grow out, restyle or recolour!

Get Your Rings Professionally Cleaned: Right before the wedding, take your engagement, and any other rings, in to get cleaned. You will for sure be getting photos of your rings, so make sure they sparkle and shine!


Wedding Day

Breakfast: Start the day off with a big, and healthy breakfast. This is super important to make sure you not only have the energy needed, but also make sure you don’t get sick! You may feel like you are too nervous to eat but please make sure you eat something as it will help you feel good for the rest of the day. That being said, careful not to eat bread, pasta or anything that will make you bloat!

Photo: F29 Studio

Photo: F29 Studio


Water Intake: Staying hydrated is incredibly important, not just on a hot summer day but any season. The day can get away from you quickly, with all the festivities that are packed into the wedding day timeline but it’s important to continuously hydrate yourself. You don’t want to get to the reception part of the day, just to be suffering with a headache.

Avoid Tight Undergarments: Put on some comfy, loose fitting clothes and ditch the tight bras, bandeaus etc! The reason behind this is because as I’m sure most have experienced first hand, those undergarments can leave nasty marks in the skin. It would be a shame to get into your wedding dress and or other wedding attire, and all you can see in the photos are the markings from those undergarments from earlier in the day.


Wear a Robe or Button-up Shirt: Speaking of being comfy the morning of the wedding, break out your favourite robe or button-up shirt! This is especially important when you go to get your hair and makeup done. You don’t want to show up in something that you have to pull up over your head as you’ll run the risk of ruining your hair and makeup.

Find Time: Throughout the wedding day, find time to sneak away with your new spouse to really pause in the moment and take it all in. We understand there is a lot of people there to see you guys, and your timeline may be packed. However, we promise you won’t regret taking a break together, even if it is just a few moments. For most of our weddings, we suggest that the couple and photographers do a sunset shot, or night-shot. This is the perfect time for the couple to not only get some cool photos of them, but also allow them some private, quality time just the two of them. All of the couples have mentioned how nice it was to just have those little moments before getting back to the celebrating!


Your dream wedding is exactly that – yours.

At Perfect Planners, our mission is to understand your hopes for your big day and then use our wedding planner magic to bring it to life. We’re committed to working with what is important to you: your ideas and your dreams.

Book a free discovery call with us now to chat about your wedding day and how we can support you.